Tagged: Angie Porter-Kennard


All good things…

For season 3 of The L Word, showrunner Marja Lewis-Ryan had the option to choose either of the two endings to this saying: “all good things come to those who wait” or “all good things must come to an end”. However, she decided she’s not the choosing type and, much to the dismay and rage of all the loyal fans, she ran with both options.


How low can you go

I won’t beat around the bush here: it was the most painful episode of The L Word (OG and Gen Q) I ever had to watch. Deliberate choice of the words “had to”, as I really felt I should write about it, even though after seeing the very first scene in the ambulance already made me want to turn off my TV. But hey, I’m a tough cookie, so just shouting at my device when events really became too far stretched and ridiculous to even be remotely believable, helped me through.


L for Longevity

We were talking about longevity, a word that keeps coming up when the desired storylines for The L Word are being discussed on social media. Longevity in lesbian relationships specifically, because representation matters, and as yet there are far too few (if any) long lasting lesbian relationships portrayed in TV-shows.


And I said “yes”

Shane and Tess, beyond their own awareness, are more and more becoming the mature adults in the room, taking care of everybody. Where they were still lovingly taking care of Finley the last two episodes, this week they make sure Carrie gets home safe (I don’t know about sound…).


Lobsters, too…!!!

“I don’t know how you married her”. Tina is infuriated: “What? What do you mean, she’s the mother of my daughter!”, and it only goes downhill from there. Victory #3.